Thursday, October 30, 2008

A topic we can all relate to...

Well I was observing people and their relationships
I came to the conclusion that love is very very difficult
There are many ways people express their love for another person
and I guess that's what makes every (or almost every) relationship so special because not everyone shows it the same way.
Of course, every relationship has its up and downs but if you really really love the person I guess they would both try and work things out and not fight, but love =]
Yeah yeah yeah, I know you could be thinking "Jon you're such a fucking homo for writing all this pussy ass shit on your blog omg wtf"
But I don't really care because one day or another love with come your way (if it already hasn't) and then you will be saying "True dat Jon, I feel ya"
Well the point of this blog was to let people know that, yeah relationships can be difficult at times but try not to fight and be happy =]
Well yeeeeeeeah, that's about it...
Peace and Love bitches <3

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And another thing...

I'm sick of people being scared of me
I mean should I hide who I truely am because no one can accept me for it?
Fuck, I think I'm a pretty decent guy...
Yes we call commit mistakes, but thats part of being a human being
I've commited many, some that I would love to take back, but it's to late to live in the past and regret everything because all that does is torment you.
There are a few people out there who really know who I am, and some that are getting to know me.
For those of you who don't know me, well then if you ever have the chance come up and talk to me, don't be shy I don't bite.
Yes I may be a bit hostile and serious at times, but that's not all of me, If you ever get the chance to know me you'll find out that I'm much more than I appear to be.
So please,
Don't be scared.

Please tell me what you guys think...=S

Bad luck & Rumors

Well I really hate when stupid rumors start to spread around about me
I normally don't do anything and hang around by myself and when I suddenly hang out with someone that so happens to be a girl I am "going out with her".
People just don't know what to talk about anymore, and I'm sick of it
I'll just stop hanging around EVERYONE so no one can't start rumors about me.

Apart from that, today was one of my bad days
I stepped on shit
My shoe flew to a electrical fence and I had to go around school without one shoe
My mum went to school and talked to the teachers about my situation in school and how bad im doing.
I guess things can't get any worst...
Only good thing that happened today is getting home, getting my internet back, and talking to someone I haven't talked to in a while...which really were only 2 days lol.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I might as well just shut up.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tired of this...

I sick of it
The problems come one after an other
I can't take it
I fear I'm gonna do something really stupid...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Walking back home

There is no way of escaping your problems.
It gets me on the way back home, in my room, or when Im alone in general.
It gets you when there's no one around, when you're most vulnerable.
I try to confront them, but problems are only temporary and come one right after the other.
But that's life and I have to learn to deal with it and try to solve my problems the best way I can, and that's not by using my emotions, but my head...
Kinda hard to do though

Monday, October 6, 2008