Monday, November 24, 2008

Things are changing

There is nothing really in my power to make it stop
It's hard having to go through this multiple changes and it kills me to see the things I love disappear right in front of my very own eyes.
I wish things were back to the way they used to be, but then I start to realize that maybe this is happening for a reason.
Maybe it's for the best...although it is painful having to go through this..
I just wish...
There were someone that would be there for me when I need them.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I don't even know what to write about
I just want to let you know how grateful I am for meeting someone like you
For some particular reason I can just talk about anything with you, and I feel comfortable doing it.
Thanks for always being there when I need you, and you know you'll always have me to talk to if you ever need anyone.

It's funny because when I first met you, I thought you really didn't want to talk to me or even hang out. I always thought that we could never really get to know each other, but as days pass I get to know you more and more, and realize how much of a great person you are.
Thank you for everything and just remember
Happiness is right around the corner =)

Monday, November 3, 2008

No use living in the past

Yes I've fucked up before
Who hasn't?
I know words aren't enough to heal the pain I caused you
But it pissed me off what you did, and you know well what you did
What you did wasn't to clear things up and not lie, it was out of pure revenge.
And yes I did used you, I'd be a fucking fool to deny that
But I guess we all learned something from it haven't we?
I mean I suppose you got back at me that day you told her the truth.

Now leave me alone
I live with the problems I have with people and rather not make them a big deal since it's in the past.
You're living your life and I'm living mine.
I want you to know I feel like a fucking dog for doing that for you, and I regret it.
But it's to late for that now, I would rather live knowing I've fucked up, rather than living in denial and blaming myself for everything.
If you would have talked to me better, maybe we would have worked things out
But since you talked to me all hostile, I retaliated.
So there you go

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Where are you going with your life?

I'm sure many teens (god I hate that word...but I hate the word adolescent even more) ask themselves this question all the time.
Well I do also, and it's something that bothers me all the time.
But thinking about the future isn't going to help us if we don't know what's happening now and try to fix what's in front of you rather than thinking of something that might happen later on.
I've realized that's one of my problems and I'm not living the moment.
I'm tired of that and I'm going to live my life to the fullest.
So fuck the future, I'm gonna seize the day.
Carpe Diem <3