Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sometimes words aren't enough

Actions speak louder than words, that's what everyone tells me.
I've done a lot of crazy shit to show people what I feel, and was it really worth it?
Sometimes it is, but most of the time it really wasn't.

Never give up on what you believe in, that is one thing I have always told myself when times were rough.
But what if you don't believe in yourself?
Is it really worth believing in something when you can't even believe in the most important piece of puzzle, yourself?

Blah...I'm just talking shit..

1 comment:

ValeRia said...

Aunque las cosas no vallan tan bien al final siempre vale la pena.
Hay gente que nunca se expresa bien (como yo) pero todos te agradecen por lo que haces por los demas! =)

T.A mi paliito x)